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Overview of the Airdrop Template Repository

This repository contains multiple smart contracts designed to facilitate and manage airdrops efficiently. At the center of the codebase is AirdropManager.sol, the core logic contract responsible for handling various airdrop functions.

Each supporting contract is assigned a distinct role, working in together with AirdropManager.sol to coordinate and execute airdrop processes smoothly. The following sections provide a detailed breakdown of the codebase.

This contract serves as the base contract for managing administrator roles within the system.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

contract Administrable {
mapping(address => bool) _admins;

constructor(address[] memory initialAdmins) {
for (uint i; i < initialAdmins.length; i++) {
_admins[initialAdmins[i]] = true;
  • License and Version: The first two lines specify the license type and the Solidity compiler version (0.8.19) being used for this contract.
  • Contract Declaration: contract Administrable declares a new smart contract named Administrable.
  • Mapping: mapping(address => bool) _admins; creates a mapping (a kind of dictionary) where each address (an Ethereum account) is associated with a boolean value. This is used to track whether an address is an admin (true) or not (false).
  • Constructor: The constructor function is called when the contract is deployed. It takes an array of addresses (initialAdmins) and sets those addresses as admins in the _admins mapping.
  modifier onlyAdmins {
require(_admins[msg.sender], "Address not allowed to call this method");
  • Modifier: The onlyAdmins modifier is a reusable piece of code that restricts certain functions to be called only by addresses that are marked as admins. The require statement checks if the calling address (msg.sender) is an admin. If not, it stops execution and returns the specified error message.
  function isAdmin(address _address) public view returns(bool) {
return _admins[_address];
  • isAdmin Function: This public function checks if a specific address is an admin. It returns true or false based on the _admins mapping.
    function addAdmin(address _newAdmin) public onlyAdmins {
_admins[_newAdmin] = true;

function removeAdmin(address _admin) public onlyAdmins {
_admins[_admin] = false;

Admin Management Functions

  • addAdmin: Allows an existing admin to add a new admin. This function can only be called by an admin due to the onlyAdmins modifier.
  • removeAdmin: Allows an admin to remove another admin by setting their status to false in the _admins mapping.

This contract is responsible for managing different airdrop contracts and facilitating the claiming process.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "./Administrable.sol";

enum AirdropType {
  • Imports: import "./Administrable.sol"; imports the Administrable contract so that the AirdropManager can use its functionality.
  • Enum Declaration: The AirdropType enum defines two types of airdrops: CUSTOM and MERKLE. Enums are a way to define a variable that can hold a set of predefined values, which in this case represent different airdrop methods. Currently the Admin can handle 2 different kinds of airdrop: CUSTOM, which consists on a simple allow/not allow claim, and the MERKLE, which consist on a more elaborated merkle tree information validation, which requires to pass a ROOT Hash to the contract, so it can verify itself if the user requesting an amount of tokens has permission or not to do it.
struct AirdropInfo {
string airdropName;
address airdropAddress;
uint256 totalAirdropAmount;
uint256 airdropAmountLeft;
uint256 claimAmount;
uint256 expirationDate;
AirdropType airdropType;

  • Struct Declaration: AirdropInfo is a structure that holds information about an airdrop. It includes:
    • airdropName: A string representing the name of the airdrop.
    • airdropAddress: The contract address that manages the airdrop.
    • totalAirdropAmount: The total amount of tokens allocated for the airdrop.
    • airdropAmountLeft: The remaining tokens available for claiming.
    • claimAmount: The amount of tokens a user can claim.
    • expirationDate: The date when the airdrop ends.
    • airdropType: The type of airdrop (CUSTOM or MERKLE).
interface IAirdrop1155 {
function claim(address user, uint256 amount_, bytes32[] calldata proof_) external;
function hasClaimed(address _address) external view returns(bool);
function hasExpired() external view returns(bool);
function allowAddress(address _address) external;
function allowAddresses(address[] memory addresses) external;
function disallowAddresses(address[] memory addresses) external;
function disallowAddress(address _address) external;
function isAllowed(address _address) external view returns(bool);
function getExpirationDate() external view returns(uint256);
function getClaimAmount() external view returns(uint256);
function getTotalAirdropAmount() external view returns(uint256);
function getAirdropAmountLeft() external view returns(uint256);
function getBalance() external view returns(uint256);
function getAirdropInfo() external view returns(AirdropInfo memory info);
function setRoot(bytes32 _root) external;

  • Interface Declaration: interface IAirdrop1155 defines a set of functions that other contracts must implement if they want to be used as airdrop contracts. Interfaces are a way to define contracts that will be used in a polymorphic way, meaning different contracts can fulfill the same role but with different implementations. This is implemented for the contract to call functions in airdrop smart contracts.
contract AirdropManager is Administrable {
address[] _airdrops;

constructor (address[] memory initialAdmins) Administrable(initialAdmins) {}

  • Contract Inheritance: contract AirdropManager is Administrable means that AirdropManager inherits from the Administrable contract. This allows it to use admin-related functions and modifiers.
  • State Variable: address[] _airdrops; is an array that stores the addresses of the airdrop contracts managed by this contract.
  • Constructor: The constructor initializes the contract with a list of initial admins by calling the Administrable constructor.
event AirdropAdded(address airdropAddress);
event AirdropRemoved(address airdropAddress);
  • Events: AirdropAdded and AirdropRemoved are events that are emitted when an airdrop is added or removed. Events allow external applications (like front-end UIs) to listen for and respond to changes on the blockchain.
function claim(address airdropAddress, address user, uint256 amount, bytes32[] calldata proof) public {
IAirdrop1155 airdrop = IAirdrop1155(airdropAddress);
airdrop.claim(user, amount, proof);
  • Claim Function: This public function allows a user to claim their airdrop tokens. It accepts the address of the airdrop contract, the user’s address, the amount they wish to claim, and a proof for Merkle claims. It uses the claim function defined in the IAirdrop1155 interface.
function hasClaimed(address airdropAddress, address user) public view returns(bool) {
IAirdrop1155 airdrop = IAirdrop1155(airdropAddress);
return airdrop.hasClaimed(user);
  • hasClaimed Function: This function checks if a user has already claimed their airdrop tokens by calling the corresponding function in the airdrop contract.
function hasExpired(address airdropAddress) public view returns(bool) {
IAirdrop1155 airdrop = IAirdrop1155(airdropAddress);
return airdrop.hasExpired();
  • hasExpired Function: This checks if the airdrop has expired by calling the corresponding function in the airdrop contract.
function isAllowed(address airdropAddress, address user) public view returns(bool) {
IAirdrop1155 airdrop = IAirdrop1155(airdropAddress);
return airdrop.isAllowed(user);
  • isAllowed Function: This checks if a user is allowed to claim tokens from the specified airdrop.
function getExpirationDate(address airdropAddress) public view returns(uint256) {
IAirdrop1155 airdrop = IAirdrop1155(airdropAddress);
return airdrop.getExpirationDate();
  • getExpirationDate Function: Retrieves the expiration date of the airdrop.
function getClaimAmount(address airdropAddress) public view returns(uint256) {
IAirdrop1155 airdrop = IAirdrop1155(airdropAddress);
return airdrop.getClaimAmount();
  • getClaimAmount Function: Returns the amount of tokens a user can claim.
function getAirdropInfo(address airdropAddress) public view returns(AirdropInfo memory) {
IAirdrop1155 airdrop = IAirdrop1155(airdropAddress);
return airdrop.getAirdropInfo();
  • getAirdropInfo Function: Retrieves all relevant information about the airdrop by calling the corresponding function in the airdrop contract.
function getTotalAirdropAmount(address airdropAddress) public view returns(uint256) {
IAirdrop1155 airdrop = IAirdrop1155(

This contract would implement the logic specific to airdrops using the ERC-1155 standard (multi-token standard). It allows for the distribution of tokens as part of an airdrop.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
  • License and Version: The first two lines specify the license type (MIT) and the Solidity version (0.8.19) for this contract.
  • Imports: The contract imports the Ownable contract from OpenZeppelin, which provides basic authorization control functions, simplifying the implementation of user permissions.
interface IERC1155 {
function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 amount, bytes memory data) external;
function balanceOf(address account, uint256 id) external view returns (uint256);
  • Interface: IERC1155 defines a standard interface for ERC-1155 token contracts. This interface declares two functions:
    • safeTransferFrom: Transfers tokens from one address to another safely.
    • balanceOf: Checks the balance of a specific token ID for a given address.
enum AirdropType {

struct AirdropInfo {
string airdropName;
address airdropAddress;
uint256 totalAirdropAmount;
uint256 airdropAmountLeft;
uint256 claimAmount;
uint256 expirationDate;
AirdropType airdropType;

  • Enum: AirdropType is an enumeration that defines two types of airdrops: CUSTOM and MERKLE, allowing the contract to handle different airdrop strategies.
  • Struct: AirdropInfo is a structure that encapsulates essential details about the airdrop, such as:
    • airdropName: The name of the airdrop.
    • airdropAddress: The contract address managing the airdrop.
    • totalAirdropAmount: The total tokens allocated for the airdrop.
    • airdropAmountLeft: Tokens remaining for distribution.
    • claimAmount: Tokens a user can claim at once.
    • expirationDate: When the airdrop expires.
    • airdropType: The type of airdrop.
contract CustomAirdrop1155 is Ownable {
  • Contract Definition: contract CustomAirdrop1155 declares a new smart contract named CustomAirdrop1155, inheriting from Ownable. This means it will have owner-related functionalities, such as restricting certain functions to the contract owner.
event Claim(address recipient, uint256 amount);
event AddressAllowed(address allowedAddress);
event AddressDisallowed(address disallowedAddress);

IERC1155 _tokenContract;
uint256 _totalAirdropAmount;
uint256 _airdropAmountLeft;
uint256 _claimAmount;
uint256 _expirationDate;
uint256 _tokenId;
string _airdropName;
AirdropType _airdropType;

mapping(address => bool) _allowedAddresses;
mapping(address => bool) _addressesThatAlreadyClaimed;
  • Events: The contract defines three events:
    • Claim: Emitted when a user successfully claims their tokens.
    • AddressAllowed: Emitted when an address is granted permission to claim.
    • AddressDisallowed: Emitted when an address is denied permission to claim.
  • State Variables:
    • _tokenContract: An instance of the ERC-1155 token contract.
    • _totalAirdropAmount: The total number of tokens allocated for the airdrop.
    • _airdropAmountLeft: The number of tokens remaining to be claimed.
    • _claimAmount: The amount of tokens each user can claim.
    • _expirationDate: The date and time when the airdrop will expire.
    • _tokenId: The specific ID of the token being airdropped.
    • _airdropName: The name of the airdrop.
    • _airdropType: The type of airdrop (CUSTOM or MERKLE).
  • Mappings:
    • _allowedAddresses: Keeps track of which addresses are permitted to claim tokens.
    • _addressesThatAlreadyClaimed: Tracks which addresses have already claimed their tokens.
string memory airdropName,
address initialOwner,
address tokenAddress,
uint256 tokenId,
uint256 totalAirdropAmount,
uint256 claimAmount,
uint256 expirationDate,
AirdropType airdropType
) Ownable(initialOwner) {
_tokenContract = IERC1155(tokenAddress);
_airdropName = airdropName;
_tokenId = tokenId;
_totalAirdropAmount = totalAirdropAmount;
_airdropAmountLeft = totalAirdropAmount;
_claimAmount = claimAmount;
_expirationDate = expirationDate;
_airdropType = airdropType;

  • Constructor: This function is executed when the contract is deployed. It initializes various parameters, including:
    • airdropName: The name of the airdrop.
    • initialOwner: The address of the initial owner (who can manage the airdrop).
    • tokenAddress: The address of the ERC-1155 token contract.
    • tokenId: The ID of the token to be distributed.
    • totalAirdropAmount: The total amount of tokens for the airdrop.
    • claimAmount: How many tokens each user can claim at once.
    • expirationDate: When the airdrop will end.
    • airdropType: The type of the airdrop.

The constructor also initializes the _tokenContract with the provided token address.

function claim(address user, uint256 amount, bytes32[] calldata proof) public onlyOwner {
require(isAllowed(user), "Address not allowed to claim this airdrop");
require(!hasExpired(), "Airdrop already expired.");
require(!hasClaimed(user), "Address already claimed this airdrop.");
require(!hasBeenTotallyClaimed(), "Airdrop has been totally claimed already.");
require(hasBalanceToClaim(), "Airdrop contract has insufficient token balance.");

_tokenContract.safeTransferFrom(address(this), user, _tokenId, _claimAmount, '');
_airdropAmountLeft -= _claimAmount;
_addressesThatAlreadyClaimed[user] = true;

emit Claim(user, _claimAmount);
  • Claim Function: This function allows the contract owner to facilitate a token claim for a specified user. It checks several conditions using require statements:
    • The user must be allowed to claim.
    • The airdrop must not have expired.
    • The user must not have already claimed.
    • There must be enough tokens left for claiming.

If all checks pass, the function:

  • Transfers the tokens from the airdrop contract to the user using safeTransferFrom.
  • Updates the remaining airdrop amount.
  • Marks the user as having claimed.

It then emits the Claim event to notify about the successful claim.

These functions provide information without modifying the state.

function getAirdropInfo() public view returns(AirdropInfo memory) {
return AirdropInfo(_airdropName, address(this), _totalAirdropAmount, _airdropAmountLeft, _claimAmount, _expirationDate, _airdropType);
  • getAirdropInfo Function: Returns a structured view of the airdrop information using the AirdropInfo struct.
function hasBalanceToClaim() public view returns(bool) {
return _tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this), _tokenId) >= _claimAmount;

function hasBeenTotallyClaimed() public view returns(bool) {
return _airdropAmountLeft < _claimAmount;

function hasClaimed(address _address) public view returns(bool) {
return _addressesThatAlreadyClaimed[_address];

function hasExpired() public view returns(bool) {
return _expirationDate < block.timestamp;
  • Balance Checks:
    • hasBalanceToClaim: Checks if the airdrop contract has enough tokens left for a claim.
    • hasBeenTotallyClaimed: Checks if the airdrop has been fully claimed.
    • hasClaimed: Checks if a specific address has already claimed tokens.
    • hasExpired: Checks if the airdrop has expired based on the current timestamp.

These functions manage which addresses can claim tokens.

function allowAddress(address _address) public onlyOwner {
_allowedAddresses[_address] = true;
emit AddressAllowed(_address);

function allowAddresses(address[] memory addresses) public onlyOwner {
for (uint i; i < addresses.length; i++) {
_allowedAddresses[addresses[i]] = true;
emit AddressAllowed(addresses[i]);

function disallowAddresses(address[] memory addresses) public onlyOwner {
for (uint i; i < addresses.length

This contract likely extends the functionality of CustomAirdrop1155.sol by implementing a Merkle tree structure for validating claims. It allows airdrop managers to verify claims against a list of eligible addresses efficiently.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import { MerkleProof } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/cryptography/MerkleProof.sol";

  • License and Version: The first two lines specify the license type (MIT) and the Solidity version (0.8.19) for this contract.
  • Imports: The contract imports:
    • Ownable from OpenZeppelin, which provides basic authorization control functions.
    • MerkleProof, which includes utilities for verifying Merkle proofs.

interface IERC1155 {
function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 amount, bytes memory data) external;
function balanceOf(address account, uint256 id) external view returns (uint256);
  • Interface: IERC1155 defines the standard interface for ERC-1155 token contracts. This interface declares two functions:
    • safeTransferFrom: Safely transfers tokens from one address to another.
    • balanceOf: Retrieves the balance of a specific token ID for a given address.

enum AirdropType {

struct AirdropInfo {
string airdropName;
address airdropAddress;
uint256 totalAirdropAmount;
uint256 airdropAmountLeft;
uint256 claimAmount;
uint256 expirationDate;
AirdropType airdropType;

  • Enum: AirdropType is an enumeration that defines two types of airdrops: CUSTOM and MERKLE. This helps distinguish between different airdrop mechanisms.
  • Struct: AirdropInfo holds information about an airdrop, including:
    • airdropName: The name of the airdrop.
    • airdropAddress: The address of the contract managing the airdrop.
    • totalAirdropAmount: Total tokens allocated for the airdrop.
    • airdropAmountLeft: Tokens remaining for distribution.
    • claimAmount: Amount of tokens each user can claim.
    • expirationDate: The expiration date of the airdrop.
    • airdropType: The type of the airdrop.

contract CustomAirdrop1155Merkle is Ownable {
  • Contract Definition: This line declares a new smart contract named CustomAirdrop1155Merkle, inheriting from Ownable. This means it will have owner-related functionalities to manage permissions.

event Claim(address recipient, uint256 amount);

IERC1155 _tokenContract;
uint256 _totalAirdropAmount;
uint256 _airdropAmountLeft;
uint256 _claimAmount;
uint256 _expirationDate;
uint256 _tokenId;
string _airdropName;
AirdropType _airdropType;

// (account,amount) Merkle Tree root
bytes32 public root;
error InvalidProof();
error UsedLeaf();

mapping(address => bool) _addressesThatAlreadyClaimed;
mapping(bytes32 => bool) public claimedLeaf;

  • Events: The contract defines one event:
    • Claim: Emitted when a user successfully claims their tokens.
  • State Variables:
    • _tokenContract: An instance of the ERC-1155 token contract.
    • _totalAirdropAmount: The total tokens allocated for the airdrop.
    • _airdropAmountLeft: The remaining tokens available for claiming.
    • _claimAmount: The amount of tokens each user can claim.
    • _expirationDate: The expiration date of the airdrop.
    • _tokenId: The ID of the token being airdropped.
    • _airdropName: The name of the airdrop.
    • _airdropType: The type of airdrop (CUSTOM or MERKLE).
  • Merkle Tree Variables:
    • root: The Merkle root of the allowed claims.
    • InvalidProof: A custom error thrown when the proof is invalid.
    • UsedLeaf: A custom error thrown when a leaf has already been claimed.
  • Mappings:
    • _addressesThatAlreadyClaimed: Keeps track of addresses that have claimed their tokens.
    • claimedLeaf: Tracks which leaves (combinations of user addresses and amounts) have already been claimed.

string memory airdropName,
address initialOwner,
address tokenAddress,
uint256 tokenId,
uint256 totalAirdropAmount,
uint256 expirationDate,
AirdropType airdropType
) Ownable(initialOwner) {
_tokenContract = IERC1155(tokenAddress);
_airdropName = airdropName;
_tokenId = tokenId;
_totalAirdropAmount = totalAirdropAmount;
_airdropAmountLeft = totalAirdropAmount;
_expirationDate = expirationDate;
_airdropType = airdropType;

  • Constructor: This function is executed when the contract is deployed. It initializes various parameters, including:
    • airdropName: The name of the airdrop.
    • initialOwner: The address of the initial owner (who can manage the airdrop).
    • tokenAddress: The address of the ERC-1155 token contract.
    • tokenId: The ID of the token to be distributed.
    • totalAirdropAmount: The total amount of tokens for the airdrop.
    • expirationDate: The expiration date of the airdrop.
    • airdropType: The type of the airdrop.

The constructor also initializes the _tokenContract with the provided token address.

function setRoot(bytes32 _root) public onlyOwner {
root = _root;

  • setRoot Function: This function allows the owner to set the Merkle root for the airdrop, which defines which users are eligible for claiming tokens.

function claim(address user, uint256 amount, bytes32[] calldata proof) external onlyOwner {
_claim(user, amount, proof);
  • Claim Function: This function allows the contract owner to initiate a claim for a specified user. It calls the internal _claim function, which contains the actual logic for processing the claim.

function _claim(address origin_, uint256 amount_, bytes32[] calldata proof_) internal {
bytes32 leaf = _buildLeaf(origin_, amount_);

if (!MerkleProof.verifyCalldata(proof_, root, leaf)) revert InvalidProof();
if (claimedLeaf[leaf]) revert UsedLeaf();
claimedLeaf[leaf] = true;
require(!hasExpired(), "Airdrop already expired.");
require(!hasBeenTotallyClaimed(), "Airdrop has been totally claimed already.");

_tokenContract.safeTransferFrom(address(this), origin_, _tokenId, amount_, '');
_airdropAmountLeft -= amount_;
_addressesThatAlreadyClaimed[origin_] = true;

emit Claim(origin_, amount_);

  • Internal _claim Function: This function performs the actual claim processing. It:
    • Builds a Merkle leaf using the user's address and the claim amount.
    • Verifies the provided Merkle proof against the root. If the proof is invalid, it throws an error.
    • Checks if the leaf has already been claimed. If so, it throws an error.
    • Marks the leaf as claimed.
    • Checks if the airdrop has expired or if all tokens have already been claimed.
    • Transfers the specified amount of tokens to the user.
    • Updates the amount of tokens left for the airdrop.
    • Marks the user as having claimed their tokens.
    • Emits the Claim event.

function _buildLeaf(address origin_, uint256 amount_) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(bytes.concat(keccak256(abi.encode(origin_, amount_))));
  • Internal _buildLeaf Function: This function creates a leaf node for the Merkle tree by hashing the user's address and the claim amount together. The resulting hash (leaf) will be used for verification.

These functions provide information about the airdrop without modifying the state.

function getAirdropInfo() public view returns(AirdropInfo memory) {
return AirdropInfo(_airdropName, address(this), _totalAirdropAmount, _airdropAmountLeft, 0, _expirationDate, _airdropType);

function hasBeenTotallyClaimed() public view returns(bool) {
return _airdropAmountLeft < 1;

function hasClaimed(address _address) public view returns(bool) {
return _addressesThatAlreadyClaimed[_address];

function hasExpired() public view returns(bool) {
return _

This contract implements the ERC-1155 standard, providing the foundational structure for managing multiple tokens and enabling the transfer of various token types in a single contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Compatible with OpenZeppelin Contracts ^5.0.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
  • License and Version: The first line specifies the license type (MIT). The comment indicates compatibility with OpenZeppelin Contracts version 5.0.0.
  • Solidity Version: The pragma statement specifies that this contract uses Solidity version 0.8.19 or higher.
  • Imports: The contract imports two modules from OpenZeppelin:
    • ERC1155: The base implementation of the ERC-1155 token standard, which allows for the creation of multiple token types in a single contract.
    • Ownable: A contract that provides basic authorization control functions, allowing only the owner of the contract to execute certain functions.

contract MyToken is ERC1155, Ownable {
  • Contract Definition: This line declares a new smart contract named MyToken, which inherits from both ERC1155 and Ownable. This means it will have the functionality of an ERC-1155 token as well as ownership control features.

constructor(address initialOwner) ERC1155("") Ownable(initialOwner) {}
  • Constructor: This function is called when the contract is deployed. It initializes the contract with the following:
    • initialOwner: The address of the initial owner of the contract.
    • ERC1155(""): Calls the constructor of the ERC1155 contract with an empty URI string, which can be set later. The URI is usually used to provide metadata about the tokens.
    • Ownable(initialOwner): Calls the constructor of the Ownable contract to set the initial owner.

function setURI(string memory newuri) public onlyOwner {
  • setURI Function: This public function allows the contract owner to set the URI for the tokens. It uses the onlyOwner modifier, ensuring that only the owner can change the URI.
  • Internal Call: _setURI(newuri) is a function inherited from the ERC1155 contract that updates the token URI.

function mint(address account, uint256 id, uint256 amount, bytes memory data)
_mint(account, id, amount, data);
  • mint Function: This public function allows the contract owner to mint new tokens.
    • Parameters:
      • account: The address that will receive the minted tokens.
      • id: The ID of the token type to mint.
      • amount: The number of tokens to mint.
      • data: Additional data that can be sent along with the minting operation (can be empty).
  • Internal Call: _mint(account, id, amount, data) is a function inherited from the ERC1155 contract that performs the actual minting of tokens.

function mintBatch(address to, uint256[] memory ids, uint256[] memory amounts, bytes memory data)
_mintBatch(to, ids, amounts, data);
  • mintBatch Function: This public function allows the contract owner to mint multiple types of tokens in a single transaction.
    • Parameters:
      • to: The address that will receive the minted tokens.
      • ids: An array of token IDs to mint.
      • amounts: An array of amounts corresponding to each token ID.
      • data: Additional data that can be sent along with the minting operation (can be empty).

Internal Call: _mintBatch(to, ids, amounts, data) is a function inherited from the ERC1155 contract that performs the batch minting of tokens.

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Last updated on by ivegabr

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